Payroll Services
for South Korea
Our blend of software and services ensures client's receive a flexible response to their needs, both domestically and internationally.
Our blend of software and services ensures client's receive a flexible response to their needs, both domestically and internationally.
Our blend of software and services ensures client's receive a flexible response to their needs, both domestically and internationally.
fiber_manual_record We automate and manage your complete payroll cycle. Payroll Module being a part of our unified system is built integrated with other modules. All HR transactions go straight to payroll so you can stop reconciling data or waiting for integrations to run.
fiber_manual_record No matter how complex your payroll cycle is, we can activiate existing or customize modules in our platform to automate and auto-consolidate all payroll respective data for payroll processing.
fiber_manual_record If there are any unavoidable manual bits left, our payroll accountants can also manage on your behalf.
fiber_manual_record We are equally comfortable to provide payroll services if you already have HR System running. our IT team can quickly integrate with your systems so you keep benefiting from your existing investments and procedures.
Having mature and clearly defined processes means that we can be consistent, thorough, efficient and keep your costs down.
Keeping inview weekends & public holidays we draw an annual payroll calender with client & publish it online ...
If configured, payroll associated data in other modules is locked for payroll processing e.g. benefits, expense claims, loans, attendance etc ...
If country tax regime allows tax reducers that can offset with payroll tax, employee's will submit online form by specified date ...
Updates either coming through interface with client's HR system, Promenics system or sent manually by client are locked ...
Payroll processed & after detailed review shared with client for comments ...
If there are any late adjustment, errors or omission indentified in first run, 2nd run is initiated for rectifications ...
Upon receiving client approval on payroll results, filling with Income Tax & other departments is executed ...
Depending upon arrangement, Promenics manages complete banking payment or provide bank upload file to client for payments to employee's & tax authorities ...
As soon as salary is credited, payslips or periodic certificates are issued online & employee's receive alerts ...
Promenics prepares journals as per client specification and provide upload file to client ...
Respective period payroll documents e.g. tax fillings, payment receipts, approved reports are uploaded online for future reference ...
Promenics fully manage if client has any reporting requirements inaddition to our online system's Dashboards & standard reports ...
Associated with South Korea Payroll Services we provide all services related to NTS and Social Security compliance, including:
1. Manage all your Income Tax and Social Insurance Calculations
2. Provide Class A Certificates, Form 25, Employment Certificates, Experience Certificates
3. Provide Final Settlement Calculations along with Form 24
4. Manage on boarding and off boarding of Joiners and Leavers respectively with Social Insurance
5. Report Annual Income change for employee's with variation of 20% or more in earnings
6. Report employee's on longer unpaid and maternity leavesReinstate employee's upon their return to work from leaves
7. Manage dependent enrollements with Social Insurances
8. Report employee's temporary departure from South Korea and reinstatement of the same
9. Prepare and submit Monthly WHT and BPT Returns
10. Prepare and submit Part Timers Returns
11. Manage Year End Settlement Calculations and Submissions
12. Report Annual Income to NHIS
13. Prepare and submit Employment and Industrial Insurance Return (Annual)
14. Help submit Annual BPT returns
15. Help reviewing and advise on action of NTS, NPS and NHIS notices
In addition to above there are numerous Tax Credits and Deductions allowed in South Korea Income Tax laws that employee's can set-off through Year End Settlement forms. Within employee's self-service portal, employee's can declare amounts to set-off under respective category and upload the evidence. While processing payroll Promenics team will review these declarations and if amount qualifies will adjust employee's tax deductions.
Our system powerful Payroll Admin access provides you all your payroll related information just a click away.
Payroll Dashboard provides you all information required for instant analysis & decision making:
fiber_manual_record Visual presentation of data for quick overview
fiber_manual_record Comparative datasets for trend analysis with drill-down of each balance.
A centrailzed place for all payroll related documents in your easy access, including:
fiber_manual_record Approved Payroll Reports
fiber_manual_record Out of system calculations, working papers, spreadsheets etc
fiber_manual_record Submitted returns and Statutory Fillings
fiber_manual_record Proof of payment of taxes and other statutory dues
fiber_manual_record Payslips, certificates and tax declaration of all employee's
Leverage our services and expertise to extend your own. Our administrative services leverage best-practice processes and innovative technology solutions that enable employee's, managers and HR professionals to acquire, develop, reward and manage their workforce effectively.
fiber_manual_record Update Personal Information
fiber_manual_record Download Payslips
fiber_manual_record Payslip Details
fiber_manual_record Salary Certificates
fiber_manual_record Tax credit declarations
Prepartion and posting of payroll accounting journals in client's accounting system either:
fiber_manual_record Through system specific upload file, or
fiber_manual_record Direct postings into client's accounting system
Further analyse payroll entries by cost centres and posting into accounting system for adequate cost centre reporting.
Segreggate payroll cost on the basis of projects' specific tasks and activities, so that health of projects can be annalyzed and appraised.
Our team has capaibilty to provide analysis of payroll costs including future projections on the basis of suitable assumptions.
Banking of payroll related payments to employee's and tax authorities, either:
fiber_manual_record By managing the banking portal through creation of payment batches to routing for approval, or
fiber_manual_record Providing bank payment file to client to upload in banking system for payment processing
All activities are assigned, updated, monitored, followed-up and appraised with our online Task Manager. Task Manager sends regular alerts and reminders to all stakeholders.
Our online tasks management system monitors KPIs, Status of activities, issues, resolutions. We publish a live status online and conduct regular meetings with client for feedback and improvements.
Our experienced Support Centre Team resolves all queries raised by HR Team, Managers or employee's. Our online Support Centre is equipped with all tools to serve you optimally.
We assign a Dedicated Account Manager to all our client's who will know every detail of your account and be able to respond directly to your every need.